Physical Preparation

Gently warm up your muscles

A solid physical preparation with some simple home exercises can make a big difference, helping you get back into the swing of things faster and enjoy skiing to the fullest throughout the week
Frequently asked questions
When should i start my physical preparation
As sports professionals, we recommend staying active throughout the year, and even weekly! However, for occasional athletes, it’s advisable to start the following exercises around 3 months before your skiing holiday. The earlier you begin your physical preparation, the more you can gradually increase the intensity of your exercises.
Why should I PHYSICALLY prepare my body for skiing?
For those who are less active, tailored physical preparation for skiing helps prevent excessive muscle fatigue, which could lead to potential injuries.
Which exercises should I do to prepare in the best possible way?
Skiing and snowboarding requires good physical condition, as it engages many muscles. It is crucial to work on core strength, strengthen the quadriceps, hamstrings, and abdominal muscles, as well as focus on proprioception (balance exercises).
Our best Exercises
This very simple exercise targets the thigh and gluteal muscles and offers relatively quick progress
  • Stand with your back against the wall, arms at your sides. Then, lower yourself as if sitting in a chair with the wall as the backrest, ensuring your thighs are parallel to the wall.
  • Start with 20 seconds, then 30 seconds, and increase by 15 seconds every 3 sessions.

An exercise that strengthens the knee muscles.
  • Perform about fifteen lunges on each leg, alternating each time, and ensure to keep your torso straight.
  • Every 3 sessions, increase the number by adding 5 to 10 more lunges.

This exercise is highly recommended for skiing, as it strengthen the hamstrings, the muscles located at the back of the thigh, which protect the knee ligaments.
  • Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Keeping your head on the floor, lift your hips upward, then lower them gradually, repeating this move about ten times.
  • Gradually increase the number of sets over time.

A classic exercise that enhances balance skills for skiing and snowboarding.
  • Lie on your back with your hands positioned near your ears, without touching them. Keep your legs bent with feet flat on the floor.
  • Engage your abs, lift your shoulders, and raise your upper body while keeping your back perfectly straight. Lower yourself slowly and repeat the movement.
  • Gradually increase the number of sets over time.

Another classic exercise that particularly strengthen the arm muscles, which help optimise your balance.
  • Ensure your arms are spread out and aligned with your shoulders.
  • Perform sets of 10 movements, then 15, and gradually increase over the weeks.

Core strengthening exercises work the muscles deeply.

  • Lie on your stomach, then support yourself on your forearms and toes, keeping your heels lifted. Make sure to keep your legs, gluteus, spine, and head aligned.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds initially, then increase the duration week by week.

  • Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm and one ankle, ensuring your hips do not touch the ground and your body remains aligned.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds initially, then increase the duration week by week.

Some Advice
The exercises presented should be practiced gradually, starting with small sets and increasing over time.

For example, begin with one session per week, doing 3 or 4 exercises, and alternate them each week.

You can also add some cardio sessions, such as running or cycling!